6 Tools To Build Positive Thinking Habits

My Gremlin is wicked. And, ya know what? I need to tap into some tools to tame it!

Since I’ve been REALLY trying to get my coaching business off the ground, that snark-fueled negativity-monster has been SUPER annoying..

..I’m not good enough..

..I’ll fail..

..No one’ll want what I have to offer..

..I will never have that life I see so clearly in my dreams..

These thoughts have all arisen with tenacity.

For too long this summer I have let this little demon have too much of my headspace! That was: until YESTERDAY.. It had me slumped in my office chair, first thing in the morning, literally crying to my BFF ..and, when she said “I wish you could see yourself how I see you”  – I KNEW I had absolutely had enough!

Not too many years ago, I would not have even known that these thoughts and beliefs were untrue. Let alone –  how to begin transforming them! I have such deep gratitude for having the tools to release my mindset from these thoughts. But, it’s about time that I start using them again!

For the rest of the month, I’m on a mission to re-align myself with my inner peace and joy. I’m going on a Gremlin Hunt! Wanna join?

6 Tools To Build Positive Thinking Habits-2

Each and every one of these tools is powerful. They’ll help you shift away from a place of fear, bring you back to your fundamental nature of joy and contentment.

To reap their full benefit, these tools need to be practiced consistently.  However, even as little as 1 minute of daily practice can be extremely valuable.

1. Self-Awareness –

Realizing that your negative thinking is not true depends on noticing your thoughts. Become aware of the thoughts that you think every day. Literally SEE your negative self-talk as images playing out before your mind – as something separate to who you really are. Acknowledge that they are false and not the truth for you. Replace them with thoughts of kindness and humor.

2. Positive Affirmations –

Even though it can be very challenging when we are in the grip of our Gremlin, we always have a choice to think positive thoughts instead.. Ask yourself: ‘What feeling would I love to have instead?’..Peace, success, forgiveness, love? Actively choose to think those good thoughts and feel the corresponding emotions as you  identify what you would love to feel, instead of paying attention to negative thinking.

3. Mirror-Work –

Go to your mirror. Look yourself deep in the eyes. Speak your positive affirmations.

There’s something special about confronting yourself. Your Gremlin has nowhere to hide. It’s a perfect opportunity to face your fears head on and transform them instantly.

Every morning when you wake up and every evening before crawling into bed, tell yourself positive affirmations in the mirror. Let yourself hear all the things you really need to hear. Say them and trust that you are your own greatest teacher and friend. Always tell yourself how much you love yourself and really feel where you carry that love in your body.

4. Meditation –

The more you meditate, the more you see your Gremlin and all of its negative thinking for what it is: a false fantasy movie playing out in your mind. Meditation gives you the headspace you need to allow room for thought without having to believe it.. seeing false thought and denying your Gremlin becomes natural and brings you closer to the positivity that you seek.

Dedicate time to a daily meditation practice. It can be as little as 5 minutes.. or much longer. Do whatever feels right for you. (Or, seriously, just check out Headspace).. Allow yourself to move down through the layers of your consciousness, don’t reprimand yourself for a wandering mind, and don’t force yourself to be “blank”. Learn to enjoy the stillness. This state of loving peace is your natural state of being.

5. Yoga –

Yoga forces you to be present in the moment and grounded in your body, keeping negative thinking to a minimum. It is the practice of letting go and allowing.  The more you practice it, the more you find yourself able to release negative thinking. Leading to flow and positivity.

You can either join a weekly Yoga class or just buy a yoga mat. As you practice – feel yourself fully present in the moment. At peace. Bring your awareness to letting go of old patterns that do not serve you. Open yourself up to all that is possible.. And – Momma’s check out Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube and get the kiddos involved!

6. Visualisation –

The human brain treats imagined experience as if it were real. Visualizing an ideal situation we would love to be in, our imagination releases the corresponding emotion in our minds. Regardless of whether the situation real or simply a figment of our imagination, we still feel the same emotion – and that is key. The emotion we feel triggers our motivation.

If you are –  for example –  feeling anxious then take a minute to close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a beautiful, peaceful place. Imagine everything. From the sounds around you, to the smell of the air, what you see, taste and touch. Allow yourself to feel the relaxation and to really let go.

Time to pick your tools! Let’s Get Started!!

Pick 1-3 tools that have resonated with you and try to give them a few minutes of your day.

Whatever you can manage is perfect for now.

The more you can consistently practice, the more results you will see!


Have something to add?? Let me know!!



Leave questions in the comments section, or find me on Facebook!


  1. My favorite is yoga–or really any type of physical activity. It was getting into running, and then building my flexibility, that really changed the way I get myself going after goals. There’s something really wonderful about feeling powerful in your body, and in making progress you can see and feel.

    xo Ximena

    1. Yes Ximena! I think that’s also why I’m known to celebrate my wins with happy dances 😀

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